That's Entertainment
I was always fascinated by the Faces Of Death video series. They appealed greatly to the morbidly curious side of my personality. I seem to satisfy some gnawing psychological need to revel in the macabre by viewing vile scenes of carnage and depravity. That being said, I move on to the topic of my fascination with the reality show, Strange Love. I equate observing Flava Flave and Brigitte Nielson expressing affection for one another with viewing police photos of a particularly gruesome murder scene. They're utterly repulsive to look at and inspire nausea but you find yourself unable to take your eyes off them. The same way most people slow down on the highway to catch a fleeting glimpse of the flame engulfed SUV with the trapped soccer mom inside, I took the time out of my life to watch those two mutants engage in their perverse courtship rituals. Granted, I kept a puke bucket at the ready in the event I saw either of them in a state of undress or engaged in heavy petting, but I nevertheless made it my business to witness their interaction. The truly sick thing is that I was actually entertained by it. I've never felt so intellectually bankrupt in all my life. I really need to read more.
wow, hearing 'faces of death' brings me back to my growing up years. I spent many mind altered hours watching these.
I'm ashamed to admit it, but now I'll have to tivo strange love to check it out
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