Survey Says!
I was recently asked a question which I answered truthfully that I now wish to pose to anyone reading this post. This is in no way a scientific survey; it's simply a means by which to satisfy my own curiosity.
The Question - "Would you go down on a guy for ten million dollars?"
My Answer - "You bet your ass! I'd require the money up front of course and would absolutely refuse to go above and beyond the call of duty by way of wearing wigs, makeup, schoolgirl uniforms or participating in any other 'alternative' role-playing activities...Oh, and swallowing is most definitely out of the question."
P.S. - To any readers out there intent on loading my comment section with infantile homophobic witticisms, condemnations and asinine theories regarding my sexuality, I offer this preemptive strike:
IT'S TEN MILLION DOLLARS DUMBSHITS!!!! The majority of you nimrods have no idea what ten thousand dollars looks like, much less ten million and the odds of you or I ever coming close to seeing such a life altering amount of cash are about as slim as Gary Coleman's chances of punching somebody above the crotch. I'm also reasonably certain that an even greater majority of you, female and male alike has engaged in that particular practice pro bono on one or more occasions either in the heat of passion, while incarcerated or while playfully engaged in drug or alcohol induced "experimentation" (you know who you are) and you don't hear me judging you so just answer the friggin' question and spare me your lame little retorts.
The Question - "Would you go down on a guy for ten million dollars?"
My Answer - "You bet your ass! I'd require the money up front of course and would absolutely refuse to go above and beyond the call of duty by way of wearing wigs, makeup, schoolgirl uniforms or participating in any other 'alternative' role-playing activities...Oh, and swallowing is most definitely out of the question."
P.S. - To any readers out there intent on loading my comment section with infantile homophobic witticisms, condemnations and asinine theories regarding my sexuality, I offer this preemptive strike:
IT'S TEN MILLION DOLLARS DUMBSHITS!!!! The majority of you nimrods have no idea what ten thousand dollars looks like, much less ten million and the odds of you or I ever coming close to seeing such a life altering amount of cash are about as slim as Gary Coleman's chances of punching somebody above the crotch. I'm also reasonably certain that an even greater majority of you, female and male alike has engaged in that particular practice pro bono on one or more occasions either in the heat of passion, while incarcerated or while playfully engaged in drug or alcohol induced "experimentation" (you know who you are) and you don't hear me judging you so just answer the friggin' question and spare me your lame little retorts.
Hell, for 10 million, I'D even go down on a guy! :)
Proof of cleanliness would be a must, and make that 10mill.GBP and I'm in.
My best guy friend said the same thing only he qualified it by saying "a million dollars will buy a lot of mouthwash".
If we have to swallow then so do you. ;)
W.C.G. - Mine is not an oral hygiene issue, it's the fact that jizz doesn't look particularly appetizing. I don't eat lobster sauce either due to the striking resemblance.
For 10 Million Dollars theres not a lot I wouldn't do. Making sure my bank had confirmed the cheque had cleared.
That's what I meant; he'd suck a dick for a million dollars justifying it by buying enough mouthwash (with the millions) to get rid of the taste.
And spunk is nasty; fortunately I've perfected a method where I don't taste any of it. Mostly...
W.C.G. - Does it have anything to do with the blue stuff on your tongue?
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Cabby - I appreciate your honest answer and agree wholeheartedly that people have done far more disgusting things on TV for substantially less amounts of money.
*giggles* My blue tongue was a byproduct of the decorations from my birthday cake last year. My boys and I all had blue tongues. I'll still moving archives over from Diaryland; when I move that one I'll send you the link.
I thought it was just balls that got blue, is there something you're not telling us? ;)
Being a chick, the question does not require much thought...but, I would go down on another girl for that much money, hell, I'd pprobably do it for 1 million. But, I would require a mouth full of altoids first. Peace.
W.C.G. - I've thankfully never experienced that problem being the sexy girl bait that I am.
Kimberly - Interesting response. I really should've posed the question seperately to both sexes.
What I find the most fascinating about this post is that the overwhelming amount of responses to the question have been from women. Only one guy has had the guts to give an answer.
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