"When The Going Gets Weird, The Weird Turn Pro" - Hunter S. Thompson

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

How To State The Obvious

A headline from today's BBC News:

Jackson 'to change his lifestyle'

Michael Jackson's lawyer said the singer will no longer share his bed with young boys, after the star was cleared of 10 child abuse charges.

Sheer genius! I believe O.J. Simpson reached a similar epiphany a few years back when he decided it's inappropriate to eviscerate and decapitate people. It's unfortunate Jackson's moment of clarity came about only as a result of the threat of repeated prison yard beatings and shower room gang rape.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well he said he would not share his bed, but he has a lot of other things he wants to share.

I bet in 5 years trial three will start if not finished already.

7:19 PM  
Blogger warcrygirl said...

You mean there are parents out there who will still let their children spend time alone with him?

They're the ones who need to be put on trial.

12:07 PM  
Blogger carrie said...


9:26 PM  
Blogger Blueyes said...

Whos to say he wouldnt like those yard beatings and shower room rapes? Everybody should have a trial in California just so they can get off scott free.

6:21 AM  

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